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Agarose LE, 500g for Electrophoresis, m.b. grade 洋菜膠

商品編號: 5050.01
商品名稱: Agarose LE, 500g for Electrophoresis, m.b. grade 洋菜膠
品牌廠牌: Bio-East

產品名稱: Agarose LE, for Electrophoresis, m.b. grade 洋菜膠

編號: 5050.01

包裝: 500g

儲存溫度: 室溫

應用: 限實驗研究用

產地: 歐盟


  • Electroendoosmosis (EEO): 0.09 ~ 0.13
  • Sulfate: < 0.1%
  • Gel strength: > 1200 g/cm2 (1%),
  •                       > 2500 g/cm2 (1.5%)
  • Gelling temperature (1.5%): 36 ± 1.5°C
  • Melting temperature (1.5%): 88 ± 1.5°C
  • DNase and RNase: None detected


1. Always use a beaker 2-4 times the volume of the solution.

2. Add agarose powder slowly into rapidly stirring buffer solution to avoid clumping .

3. The buffer solution should be cool for a good dispersion; if the buffer is warm, possibilities of clumping are great.

4. Allow agarose powder to hydrate in the solution for a few minutes before heating - this allows for a quicker and easier dissolution and reduces foaming.

5. Adjust time and power settings according to your microwave output strength.

6. Always wear appropriate protection: the microwaved solution can become overheated and foam when disturbed.

7. To prevent overheating: reduce microwave power, remove beaker after 1 min from the microwave and swirl it very gently and carefully. Place it back into the microwave and continue for the remaining 1 minute or so.

8. For total agarose melting: boil the solution only enough to affect total dissolution. Check for “fish eyes” (incomplete dissolution). Keep in mind that overboiling can cause agarose hydrolysis and lower gel strength.

9. To avoid bubble formation: cool to 60°C and pour carefully into the gel tray.

10. After pouring, allow the gel to cool gradually; rapid cooling will cause irregular gel matrix and band distortion during electrophoresis.

北部:電話 02-2831-3061,02-2831-7036 傳真 02-2831-6374 e-mail: bio.east@msa.hinet.net
南部:電話 06-311-4690,傳真 06-311-0360

藥物傳送-層析裝置-ELISA Kits

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