Geno-X Genomic DNA Reagent, 200ml 染色體DNA萃取試劑
產品編號: 5020.01
廠牌/產地: Bio-East, Taiwan
- Geno-X DNA reagent s a non-organic and ready to use reagent for the isolation of genomic DNA from samples of human, animal, plant, yeast, bacterial and viral origin,
- which is based on disruption of cells in a guanidine-detergent lysing solution that hydrolyzes RNA and allows the selective precipitation of DNA from a cell lysate with ethanol.
- Following an ethanol wash, DNA is solubilized in water or 8 mM NaOH.
- The protocol is fast and permits isolation of genomic DNA from a large number of samples of small or large volumes.
- The procedure can be completed in 10-30 minutes with DNA recovery of 70-100%.
The isolated DNA can be used, without additional purification to suit for
- Southern analysis
- dot blot hybridization
- molecular cloning

purified from E. coli DH5a