2x Q-PCR MasterMix 定量聚合鏈反應預混組
產品編號: 5010.41
廠牌/產地: Bio-East, Taiwan
- 內容物: HotTaq DNA polymerase, reaction buffer, dNTP , MgCl2, fluorescent detection dye, reference dye (optional) and buffer components as 2-fold conc.
- 包裝: 1,250ul/vial x4 vial/pk
- 儲存: -20oC
- 適用機型: Bio-Rad CFX96; Roche LightCycler 480; MJ Research Opticon, Opticon 2, Chromo 4; Corbett Rotor-gene 600, 3000; Eppendorf Realplex 2
- Easy handling
- Simple for trouble-shooting
- High sensitivity ( strong signals)
- High specificity ( no primer dimers & NTC signal).
- Optimal for different machines.
- Suitable for gene expression analysis, microarray validation and viral load determination qRT-PCR.