2x EcoTaq RedyMix ET耐熱聚合酶預混組
產品編號: 5010.03
廠牌/產地: Bio-East, Taiwan
- 內容物: EcoTaq DNA polymerase, reaction buffer, dNTP, enhancer and red-dye as 2-fold conc.
- 包裝: 1,250ul/vial x10 vial/pk
- 儲存: -20oC
- Easy handling
- Simple for trouble-shooting
- including red-dye for ready loading for PCR product electrophoresis check
- Ideal for TA cloning.
- High performance thermostable DNA polymerase.
- The length of DNA amplified fragment is up to 5 kb.
- Optimal for rich amplifications.
- PCR product labelling ( ex. biotin or fluorescein...etc.).