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AC-5700P MicroCollector 分液蒐集器

商品編號: AT1281501
商品名稱: AC-5700P MicroCollector 分液蒐集器
品牌廠牌: ATTO
商品特點: 微量的分液蒐集

MicroCollector 分液蒐集器


產品型號: AC-5700P


廠牌/產地: ATTO, Japan



  • 標準配備: 96支 1ml tubes/case
  • 支援微孔盤: 96/ 48/ 24/ 12 wells
  • 可依時間or滴數or manual peak 進行蒐集
  • 內含三向電磁閥


Product Number AC-5700P
Product Name MicroCollector
Stage drive X-Y motor driven (dispenser nozzle speed: less than 0.4s/10mm)
Display 40 characters x 2 lines  LCD (with EL back light) 
Fraction Tube 

microtiter plate (96/48/24/12 well) optional

1 mL polypropylene tube (96 tubes) per case as standard accessories

3.5 mL glass tube (φ10×75mm) (48 tubes) optional

9 mL glass tube (φ15×75mm) (24 tubes) optional

Fraction method

Continuous Fractionation: Timer: from 1 to 999 seconds/drop: from 1 to 999 drops  (Count speed: 2 drops/second max)

Manual fractionation of peak eluent

Repeated fractionation-wait cycle with STEP key

Input method Numeric input with arrow key (up or down) / mode selection 
Input signal Start, Reset, Step



Step Signal, Marker signal, Start signal, End signal,

DC power for elctromagnetic valves, 

AC power for pump (1A max)

Temperature Range 4 - 40°C (Cold Room)
Nozzle material Vinyl chloride, Teflon, Polypropylene, Delrin, Silicon (all parts exposed to liquid are made of Teflon) 
Power AC100V±15V  50/60Hz ・ 20VA
Dimensions, weight 240mm(W)×220mm(D)×185mm(H) , 3.6 kg





北部:電話 02-2831-3061,02-2831-7036 傳真 02-2831-6374 e-mail: bio.east@msa.hinet.net
南部:電話 06-311-4690,傳真 06-311-0360

藥物傳送-層析裝置-ELISA Kits

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